This video, from CELA member Ella Hushagen, provides legal information about your health insurance options following a job loss.
To help workers struggling during the COVID-19 crisis, the California Employment Lawyers Association (CELA) is creating a series of videos explaining workplace rights and resources. We want California residents to understand their options.

About Ella Hushagen
Ella Hushagen is a member of CELA and an attorney with Teukolsky Law. She graduated cum laude from Occidental College in 2004, and pursued a career in health care access before attending law school. She graduated from UCLA School of Law in 2013 (J.D.), and simultaneously received a Masters Degree in Public Health. In law school, Ms. Hushagen specialized in public interest legal advocacy as a participant in the prestigious Epstein Public Interest Law Program. She met Ms. Teukolsky after her second year of law school while serving as a law clerk at Traber & Voorhees, one of the premier civil rights firms in California. After graduating, Ms. Hushagen served as a law clerk to the Honorable Fernando M. Olguin at the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.